Dante Notes - 2016 Archives

Follow the links below to browse articles published in 2016 under the respective domains of Dante Notes:


The following posts, which appeared in Dante Notes in 2016, are now archived in the Electronic Bulletin of the Dante Society of America, hosted at Princeton University:

Concerning Three Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy in Private Collections in New York and Milan, Part 1 of 3
Elisabetta Tonello (E Campus University) October 22, 2016

Concerning Three Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy in Private Collections in New York and Milan, Part 2 of 3
Elisabetta Tonello (E Campus University) October 22, 2016

Concerning Three Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy in Private Collections in New York and Milan, Part 3 of 3
Elisabetta Tonello (E Campus University) October 22, 2016

Pride and Tyranny: An Unnoted Parallel between Purgatorio 12 and Policraticus 8.20-21
Filippo Gianferrari (University of Notre Dame) May 12, 2016

William Blake’s “Paradiso Canto 19” Inscription Derives from Misprints in the 1819 Edition of Cary’s Vision
David Ross McIrvine (Independent Scholar) March 21, 2016

Lettera aperta agli studiosi di Dante
Romano Manescalchi (Independent Scholar) March 21, 2016


Virgil’s Digression and Dante’s Comedìa
Matthew Collins (Harvard University) February 7, 2016

Student Encounters

Michael Jordan
Childs Walker (Gilman School) September 23, 2016

Conquering the Moment: Love and the Subsisto
Christian Flow (Gilman School) September 23, 2016

Dante, Depression, and Suicide
Ellen Ward (Bryn Mawr School) September 23, 2016

Natural and Necessary Vicissitudes in the Paternal Cycle
Giorgios Gittis (Gilman School) September 23, 2016

Ulysses' Voice
Rachel Adams (Bryn Mawr School) June 10, 2016

The Salvation of Count Ugolino
Pell George (Gilman School) June 10, 2016

Virgil's "Purgatorio" in terza rima
Mark Scott (Gilman School) June 10, 2016

Saying Goodbye
Miriam Stewart (Bryn Mawr School) June 10, 2016