American Dante Bibliography for 2016

Compiled by Leonardo Chiarantini

Updated 11/25/2022

This bibliography is intended to include all publications relating to Dante (books, articles, translations, reviews) published in North America in 2016, including reviews published in North American journals of books published elsewhere.

The following entries are also included in the comprehensive Bibliografia Dantesca Internazionale/International Dante Bibliography database, maintained by the Società Dantesca Italiana with the collaboration of the Dante Society of America since 2017; see:

Please send notices of any corrections or omissions to


Alighieri, Dante. Purgatorio. Translated by Lombardo, Stanley, with an introduction by Honess, Claire E., edited by HonessClaire E., Ruth Chester, and Matthew Treherne. Indianapolis, IN and Cambridge, UK: Hackett, 2016. vii, 423 p.


Ardizzone, Maria LuisaReading as the Angels Read: Speculation and Politics in Dante’s Banquet. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016. xii, 453 p.

Dupont, Christian Yves, Margherita Palumbo, and Filippo Rotundo, eds. Dante. Fifty Books. New York and Rome: PrPh Rare Books, Philobiblon, 2016. 162 p. [Catalogue of the exhibition: Dante on the Upper East Side,  New York, PrPh Rare Books, April 8-May 13, 2016, available online:]

Montemaggi, VittorioReading Dante’s Commedia as Theology: Divinity Realized in Human Encounter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 328 p.

Robinson, JamesJoyce’s Dante: Exile, Emory, and Community. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. viii, 233 p.

Santagata, Marco, and Richard Dixon. Dante: The Story of His Life. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016. vii, 485 p. [First published as Dante. Il romanzo della sua vita. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2013.]

Todorovic, JelenaDante and the Dynamics of Textual Exchange. Authorship, Manuscript Culture, and the Making of the Vita Nova. New York: Fordham University Press, 2016. 236 p.

Webb, Heather. Dante’s Persons. An Ethics of the Transhuman. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. xiv, 224 p.

Ziolkowski, Theodore. The Alchemist in Literature. From Dante to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 256 p.


Alfie, Fabian. “Politics and Not Poetics: A Reading of Guido Cavalcanti’s Una figura della donna mia.” Italica 93.2 (2016): 209-224. [Dante passim]

Baldassari, Gabriele. “Nodi politici (e intertestuali) tra Boccaccio e Petrarca.” Heliotropia. Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpretation 12-13.1 (2015-2016): 263-303. [online:; Dante pp. 276-277, 279]

Banella, Laura. “The ‘Dante Canon’: Collecting Dante’s Lyric Poetry in the Fourteenth Century.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 169-194.

Barsella, Susanna. “Boccaccio, i tiranni e la ragione naturale.” Heliotropia. Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpretation 12-13.1 (2015-2016): 131-63. [online:; Dante pp. 148-150]

Borra, Antonello. “Guittone all’Inferno?” Italica 93.1 (2016): 23-36.

Candido, Igor. “Il ‘pane tra le favole’ o del Convivio di Boccaccio: l’introduzione alla quarta giornata.” Heliotropia. Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpretation 12-13.1 (2015-2016): 51-85. [online:; Dante pp. 52-53, 59, 63, 72]

Ciabattoni, Francesco. “Dante and Italy’s Singer-Songwriters.” Italian Quarterly 53 (2016): 61-80. [added 11/25/2022]

Cicioni, Mirna. “Narratives of Murder and Knowledge: Pellegrino Artusi and Dante Alighieri as Sleuths.” Quaderni d’Italianistica 37.1 (2016): 55-72.

Collins, Matthew. “Virgil’s Digression and Dante’s Comedìa.” Dante Notes (2016) [online:]

Combs-Schilling, Jonathan. “Tityrus in Limbo: Figures of the Author in Dante’s Eclogues.” Dante Studies 133 (2016): 1-26.

Cornish, Alison. “Music, Justice, and Violence in Paradiso 20.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 112-141.

Cornish, Alison. “Sound Matters. 3. Words and Blood: Suicide and the Sound of the Soul in Inferno 13.” Speculum 91.4 (2016): 1015-1026.

Duyck, Mathijs. “Dante in the Hands of a Modernist Glutton. Notes on C. E. Gadda’s Narrative Deformations of the Comedy.” Romance Notes 56.2 (2016): 353-366.

Ellul, Manuel J. “La rappresentazione del Virgilio dantesco in Robert Hollander: Tragedia nella Commedia.” Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 50.3 (2016): 1059-1069.

Feltrin-Morris, Marella. “Persuasive Spaces: Translators’ Prefaces to the Divine Comedy.” Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 50.1 (2016): 38-49.

Filosa, Elsa. “Motivi anti-tirannide e repubblicani nel De mulieribus claris.” Heliotropia. Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpretation 12-13.1 (2015-2016): 165-87. [online:; Dante pp. 177-178]

Fosca, Nicola. “Catone e le virtù politiche.” Dante Notes (2016) [online:; response to Romano Manescalchi]

Gianferrari, Filippo. “Pride and Tyranny: An Unnoted Parallel between Purgatorio 12 and Policraticus 8.20-21.” Dante Notes (2016) [online:]

Hoeppner Moran Cruz, Jo Ann. “Dante’s Matelda: Queen, Saint, and Mother of Emperors.” Viator 47.3 (2016): 209-242.

Horn, Melissa. “Manuscripts pien di sonno: Dreaming in Trecento Copies of the Comedy.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 225-252.

Hui, Andrew. “Dante’s Book of Shadows: Ombra in the Divine Comedy.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 195-224.

Levers, Stanley W. “From Revelation to Dilation in Dante’s Studio.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 1-25.

Lynn Postman, Sheryl. “Everyone Wants to Go to Paradise, But... in Giose Rimanelli’s Peccato originale.” Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 50.3 (2016): 1130-1142. [Dante passim]

Mackin, Zane D. R. “Dante, the Rhetoric of Crisis, and Vigilante Preaching.” Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 31-56.

Manescalchi, Romano. “Libertà va cercando: lettera aperta agli studiosi di Dante.” Dante Notes (2016) [online:]

Marchesi, Simone. “Libertà va cercando: una lettura stratigrafica.” Dante Notes (2016) [online:; response to Romano Manescalchi]

Martinez, Ronald L. “Guinizellian Protocols: Angelic Hierarchies, Human Government, and Poetic Form in Dante.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 48-111.

McIrvine, David Ross. “William Blake’s Paradiso Canto 19 Inscription Derives from Misprints in the 1819 Edition of Cary’s Vision.” Dante Notes (2016) [online:]

McMenamin, James F. “The Poet’s Inner Child: Early Childhood and Spiritual Growth in Dante’s Commedia.” Italica 93.2 (2016): 225-250.

Morosini, Roberta. “From the Garden to the Liquid City: Notes on 2.10, 3.4 and 10, 4.6-7, or a Decameron Poetics of the Erotico-Political Based on Useful Work (civanza).” Heliotropia. Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpretation 12-13.1 (2015-2016): 5-49. [online:; Dante passim]

Nasti, Paola. “Storia materiale di un classico dantesco: la Consolatio Philosophiae fra XII e XIV secolo tradizione manoscritta e rielaborazioni esegetiche.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 142-168.

Noson, Kate. “That Hateful Tail: The Sirena as Figure for Disability in Italian Literature and Beyond.” California Italian Studies 6.1 (2015-2016) [online:]

Noto, Giuseppe. “Cortesia e borghesia nella ricezione dei trovatori in Italia tra la fine del ‘200 e gli inizi del ‘300.” Romance Philology 70.1 (2016)

Olson, Kristina. “Shoes, Gowns and Turncoats: Reconsidering Cacciaguida’s History of Florentine Fashion and Politics.” Dante Studies 134 (2016): 26-47.

Perry, Timothy P. J. “Facsimiles of Dantes’ Commedia in Canadian Libraries: A Descriptive Catalogue.” Italica 93.3 (2016): 405-432.

Pierno, Franco, and Giuseppe Polimeni. “Dans les théories et les faits: a novant’anni dalla Question de la langue en Italie di Thérèse Labande-Jeanroy (1925).” Italica 93.3 (2016): 559-580. [Dante pp. 564-568]

Purdy Moudarres, Christiana. “Bodily Starvation and the Ravaging of the Will: A Reading of Inferno 32-33.” Viator 47.1 (2016): 205-228.

Raffa, Guy P. “Fragments of Freedom: Dante’s Relic in the Re-United States.” California Italian Studies 6.1 (2015-2016) [online:]

Raizen, Karen T. “Apostolo Zeno and the Tre Corone: Old Heroes for the New Stage.” Italica 93.4 (2016): 677-692.

Reid, Joshua. “Textual Physiognomy: A New Theory and Brief History of Dantean Portraiture.” California Italian Studies 6.1 (2015-2016) [online:]

Storey, H. Wayne. “La politica e l’antigrafo del Fragmentorum liber (Chigiano L v 176).” Heliotropia. Forum for Boccaccio Research and Interpretation 12-13.1 (2015-2016): 305-30. [online:]

Strakhov, Elizaveta. “Tending to One’s Garden: Deschamps’s Ballade to Chaucer Reconsidered.” Medium Aevum 85.2 (2016): 236-258. [First attestation of Dante in France, p. 241]

Tonello, Elisabetta. “Concerning Three Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy in Private Collections in New York and Milan,” in 3 parts. Dante Notes (2016) [online:]

Vatteroni, Sergio. “La fine del trobar: per un capitolo di storia letteraria dei trovatori.” Romance Philology 70.1 (2016): 239-265.

Zak, Gur. “The Ethics and Poetics of Consolation in Petrarch’s Bucolicum carmen.” Speculum 91.1 (2016): 36-62. [Dante pp. 56-62]


Buchanan, Dann. Dante Poeticus/ Dante Mysticus: Dante’s Mysticism from His Time to the Sixteenth Century. Dissertation, University of Central Oklahoma: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Buonocore, Eleonora. Ciphers of Remembrance and Fluidity of Oblivion: A Study of Memory in Dante. Dissertation, Yale University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

DeJong, Laura Quinlan. Poetic Memory in James Joyce’s Ulysses. Dissertation, Florida Atlantic University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016. [Dante passim]

Graff, Thomas. A Rhetoric of Suspension: Rethinking Salvation in the Commedia. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Hittinger, Francis R. Dante as Critic of Medieval Political Economy in “Convivio” and “Monarchia”. Dissertation, Columbia University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Ortega, Janelle. “I Heard the Same Thing Once Before”: Intertextuality in Selected Works of Evelyn Waugh. Dissertation, The University of New Mexico: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016. [Dante passim]

Pomponio, Chelsea A. The Root of All Evil: Civic Genealogy from Brunetto to Dante. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Radway, John North. The Fate of Epic in Twentieth-Century American Poetry. Dissertation, Harvard University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016. [Dante passim]

Russo, Teresa. Memory, Image-Making, and Literary Structure in Dante, Chaucer, and Christine de Pizan. Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada): ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Sottong, Heather. Dante and Argentine Identity. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Waldron, Patrick. “‘Al dolor fenestra’: Voice and Complicity in Dante’s Inferno. Dissertation, Yale University: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.

Weppler, Amanda M. Dante’s Stazio: Statius and the Transformations of Poetry. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016.


Alighieri, Dante. Dante’s Lyric Poetry: Poems of Youth and of the Vita Nuova. Teodolinda Barolini and Manuele Gragnolati, eds., trans. by Richard Lansing. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Reviewed by:

Cascio, Gandolfo. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 524-526. [online:]

Alighieri, Dante. Le Opere. Volume I. Vita Nuova. Rime Tomo I. Vita Nuova. Le rime della “Vita Nuova” e altre rime del tempo della “Vita Nuova.” Donato Pirovano and Marco Grimaldi, eds., with an introduction by Enrico Malato. Roma: Salerno, 2015. Reviewed by:

Cervigni, Dino. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 457-468. [online:]

Baika, Gabriella IThe Rose and Geryon. The Poetics of Fraud and Violence in Jean de Meun and Dante. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2014. Reviewed by:

Rushworth, Jennifer. The Modern Language Review 111.2 (2016): 525-526.

Blasucci, LuigiLetture e saggi danteschi, with an ntroduction by Lina Bolzoni and Claudio Ciociola. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2014. Reviewed by:

Bertolio, Johnny L. Italica 93.2 (2016): 370-372.

Ciabattoni, FrancescoDante’s Journey to Polyphony. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. Reviewed by:

Basile, Paola. Forum Italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies 50.3 (2016): 1225-1226.

Colombo, DavideFoscolo e i commentatori danteschi. Milan: Ledizioni, 2015. Reviewed by:

Parisi, Diego. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 574-576. [online:]

Eisner, MartinBoccaccio and the Invention of Italian Literature. Dante, Petrarch, Cavalcanti and the Authorship of the Vernacular. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Reviewed by:

Cornish, Alison. Modern Philology 114.1 (2016): E9-E11. [online:]

Maher, Michael J. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 532-534. [online:]

Falzone, PaoloDesiderio della scienza e desiderio di Dio nel “Convivio” di Dante. Bologna and Naples: Il Mulino, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, 2010. Reviewed by:

Rigo, Paolo. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 538-539. [online:]

Freccero, JohnIn Dante’s Wake. Reading from Medieval to Modern in the Augustinian TraditionDanielle Callegari and Melissa Swain, eds. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. Reviewed by:

Sherberg, Michael. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 540-541. [online:]

Havely, NickDante’s British Public. Readers and Texts, from the Fourteenth Century to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Reviewed by:

Asciuto, Nicoletta. Notes and Queries 63.1 (2016): 170-172.

Clarke, K. P. Medium Aevum 86.2 (2016): 347-349.

Kay, SarahParrots and Nightingales. Troubadour Quotations and the Development of European Poetry. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. Reviewed by:

Bolduc, Michelle. Speculum. 91.2 (2016): 513-515.

Washer, Nancy. Modern Philology 113.4 (2016): E211-E213. [online:]

Kleinhenz, ChristopherDante intertestuale e interdisciplinare. Saggi sulla “Commedia.” Roma: Aracne, 2015. Reviewed by:

Parisi, DiegoAnnali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 544-546. [online:]

Luzzi, JosephIn a Dark Wood. What Dante Taught Me about Grief, Healing, and the Mysteries of Love. New York: HarperCollins, 2015. Reviewed by:

Alfie, Fabian. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 489-490. [online:]

Masciandaro, FrancoThe Stranger as Friend. The Poetics of Friendiship in Homer, Dante and Boccaccio. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2013. Reviewed by:

Ciabattoni, Francesco. Italian Culture 34.2 (2016): 107-108.

Nasti, Paola and Claudia Rossignoli, eds. Interpreting Dante. Essays on the Tradition of Dante Commentary. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013. Reviewed by:

D’Amico, Marzia. Italian Culture 34.2 (2016): 110-111.

Nayar, Sheila JDante’s Sacred Poem: Flesh and the Centrality of the Eucharist to the Divine Comedy. Bloomsbury: London and New York, 2014. Reviewed by:

Benfell, Stanley. Speculum. 91.2 (2016): 537-538.

Olson, Kristina MCourtesy Lost. Dante, Boccaccio, and the Literature of History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Reviewed by:

Crudale, Alfred. Annali d’Italianistica 34 (2016): 552-553. [online:]

Hainsworth, Peter. The Modern Language Review. 111.2 (2016): 558-559.

Ziolkowski, Jan M., ed. Dante and Islam. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. Reviewed by:

Biddick, Kathleen. Modern Philology 114.1 (2016): E5-E8. [online:]