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Arduini, Beatrice. “Il Convivio: Da progetto incompiuto a icona editoriale.” PhD diss., Indiana University–Bloomington, 2008. Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 69.7 (2009): 2707.
Ascoli, Albert Russell. “Auerbach Among the Epicureans: Dal canto X dell’Inferno alla VI Giornata del Decameron.” Moderna 11 (2009): 135–52.
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Foust, Lee. “Dante’s Commedia and the Poetics of Christian catabasis.” PhD diss., New York University, 2008. Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 69.8 (2009): 3142.
Franke, William. “Dante’s Inferno as Poetic Revelation of Prophetic Truth.” Philosophy and Literature 33.2 (2009): 252–66.
Franke, William. Poetry and Apocalypse: Theological Disclosures of Poetic Language. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2009. xiv, 211 p.
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Fugelso, Karl. “Medievalism from Here.” Studies in Medievalism 17 (2009): 86–91.
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Gross, Karen Elizabeth. “Scholar Saints and Boccaccio’s Trattatello in laude di Dante.” MLN 124.1 [Supplement] (2009): 66–85.
Hartnett, Daniel Elisha. “The Political and Social Uses of Dante in Fifteenth-Century Iberian Court Culture.” PhD diss., University of Virginia, 2009. Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 70.6 (2009): 2055.
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Hawkins, Peter S. “Dante’s Rahab.” MLN 124.5 [Supplement] (2009): 70-80.
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Kleinhenz, Christopher. “Dante Alighieri and Medieval Cultural Traditions: Introduction.” Dante Studies 127 (2009): 1–3.
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Mazzotta, Giuseppe. “Dante’s Poetics of Births and Foundations.” Dante Studies 127 (2009): 129–46.
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Mazzotta, Giuseppe. “Petrarch’s Dialogue with Dante.” In Barański, Cachey, and Yocum, Petrarch and Dante: Anti-Dantism, Metaphysics, Tradition, 177–94.
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McMenamin, James F. “The Sequence ‘Beginning-Middle-End,’ Dante and Petrarch.” PhD diss., Harvard University, 2009. Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 69.10 (2009): 3971.
Moevs, Christian. “Subjectivity and Conversion in Dante and Petrarch.” In Barański, Cachey, and Yocum, Petrarch and Dante, 226–59.
Noakes, Susan J. “Franciscan Economic Discourse in Dante’s Paradiso 10–13: The Semantics of ‘Valor.’” Dante Studies 127 (2009): 147–63.
Olson, Kristina Marie. “Resurrecting Dante’s Florence: Figural Realism in the Decameron and the Esposizioni.” MLN 124.1 [Supplement] (2009), 45–65.
Papio, Michael. Boccaccio’s Expositions on Dante’s Comedy. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
Parker, Deborah. “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Digital Humanities Projects.” ADFL Bulletin 41.1 (2009): 67–75.
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Phillips, Philip Edward. “Adaptations of Dante’s Commedia in Popular American Fiction and Film.” Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 17.2 (2009): 197–212.
Pollack, Tamara. “Light and Mirror in Dante’s Paradiso: Faith and Contemplation in the Lunar Heaven and the Primo Mobile.” PhD diss., Indiana University, 2008. Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 69.8 (2009): 3145–46.
Pollina, Vincent. “Syntax, Confession, and Creation: Reflections on Dante, Augustine, and Saussure.” MLN 124.5 [Supplement] (2009): 96–114.
Pötters, Wilhelm. “The ‘Root’ of the Tree of Knowledge: Symbols and Icons in Dante’s Divine Comedy.” Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 9 (2009): 313–67.
Raffa, Guy P. The Complete Danteworlds: A Reader’s Guide to the Divine Comedy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Reeves, Eileen. “From Dante’s Moonspots to Galileo’s Sunspots.” MLN 124.5 [Supplement] (2009): 190–209.
Rolfe, Sarah Melanie. “Michelangelo Reading Landino? The ‘Devil’ in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment,” Quaderni d’italianistica, 30.2 (2009): 19-38.
Schnapp, Jeffrey T. “Touch and Transport in the Middle Ages.” MLN 124.5 [Supplement] (2009): 115–36.
Singleton, Charles S. “Why Dante.” MLN 124.5 [Supplement] (2009): 39–50.
Steinberg, Justin. “Dante Estravagante, Petrarca Disperso, and the Spectre of the Other Woman.” In Barański, Cachey, and Yocum, Petrarch and Dante: Anti-Dantism, Metaphysics, Tradition, 263–289.
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Baur, Christine O’Connell. Dante’s Hermeneutics of Salvation: Passages to Freedom in the “Divine Comedy.” Toronto; Buffalo, N.Y.; and London: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Reviewed by:
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Braida, Antonella, and Luisa Calè, eds. Dante on View: The Reception of Dante in the Visual and Performing Arts. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2007. Reviewed by:
Demetrio S. Yocum, Annali d’Italianistica 27 (2009): 427-28.
Campbell, C. Jean. The Commonwealth of Nature: Art and Poetic Community in the Age of Dante. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. Reviewed by:
Catherine Harding, Renaissance Quarterly 62.3 (2009): 869–71.
Casciani, Santa, ed. Dante and the Franciscans. The Medieval Franciscans, vol. 3. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Reviewed by:
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Engel, Henrik. Dantes Inferno: Zur Geschichte der Höllenvermessung und des Höllentrichtermotivs (Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006). Reviewed by:
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Fyler, John M. Language and the Declining World in Chaucer, Dante and Jean de Meun. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 63. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Reviewed by:
William Sayers, Annali d’Italianistica 27 (2009): 445–47.
Glenn, Diana. Dante’s Reforming Mission and the Woman in the Comedy. Leicester: Trobadour, 2008. Reviewed by:
Alessandro La Monica, Annali d’Italianistica 27 (2009): 450–52.
Havely, Nick. Dante. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. Reviewed by:
Ronald Herzman, Speculum 84 (2009): 446–47.
Hawkins, Peter S. Dante: A Brief History. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. Reviewed by:
Steven Botterill, Speculum 84 (2009): 155–56.
Holmes, Olivia. Dante’s Two Beloveds: Ethics and Erotics in the Divine Comedy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008. Reviewed by:
Jason Houston, Renaissance Quarterly 62.2 (2009): 511–12.
Antonio Rossini, Quaderni d’italianistica 30.1 (2009): 194-96.
Marti, Mario. Su Dante e il suo tempo con altri scritti di Italianistica. Galatina: Congedo Editore, 2009. Reviewed by:
Giuseppe A. Camerino, Annali d’Italianistica 27 (2009): 381-83.
Rossini, Antonio. Il Dante sapienziale: Dionigi e la bellezza di Beatrice. Reviewed by:
Olivia Holmes, Italica 86.4 (2009): 745–46.
Sbacchi, Diego. La presenza di Dionigi Areopagita nel “Paradiso” di Dante (Florence: Olschki, 2006). Reviewed by:
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Verdicchio, Massimo. Reading Dante Reading: A Postmodern Reading of Dante’s “Commedia” (Edmonton: M. V. Dimic Research Institute, University of Alberta, 2008). Reviewed by:
James Miller, Quaderni d’italianistica 30.2 (2009), 151-57.
Wetherbee, Winthrop. The Ancient Flame: Dante and the Poets. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008. Reviewed by:
Madison U. Sowell, Annali d’Italianistica 27 (2009): 476-77.
Heather Webb, Renaissance Quarterly 62.3 (2009): 868–69.
Williams, Pamela. Through Human Love to God: Essays on Dante and Petrarch. Leicester, Troubadour Publishing, 2007. Reviewed by:
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Zanini-Cordi, Irene. Donne sciolte: Abbandono ed identità femminile nella letteratura italiana. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2008. Reviewed by:
Laura Benedetti, Italica 86.4 (2009): 752–53.