American Dante Bibliography for 2007

Richard Lansing

This bibliography is intended to include all publications on Dante (books, articles, translations, reviews) appearing in North America in 2007, as well as reviews from foreign sources of books published in the United States and Canada.



Alighieri, Dante. Paradiso. Translated by Jean Hollander and Robert Hollander. New York: Doubleday, 2007.

Alighieri, Dante. Inferno. Translated by Tom Simone. Newburyport, Mass.: Focus Publishing, 2007.



Abulafia, David. “The Last Muslims in Italy.”  Dante Studies 126 (2007): 271–87.

Ambrosio, Francis J. Dante and Derrida: Face to Face. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.

Ardissino, Erminia. “Parodie liturgiche nell’Inferno.” Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 217–32.

Battistoni, Giorgio. “Dante and the Three Religions.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 249–70.

Baur, Christine O’Connell. Dante’s Hermeneutics of Salvation: Passages to Freedom in the Divine Comedy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

Bertman, Stephen. “Dante’s role in the genesis of Dickens’s A Christmas Carol.” Dickens Quarterly 24.3 (Sept 2007): 167–75.

Boccassini, Daniela. “Falconry as a Transmutative Art: Dante, Frederick II, and Islam.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 157–82.

Burman, Thomas E. “How an Italian Friar Read His Arabic Qur’an.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 93–109.

Butler, George F. “Claudian’s De Raptu Proserpinae and Dante’s Vanquished Giants.” Italica 84.4 (2007): 661–78.

The Cambridge Companion to Dante. Edited by Rachel Jacoff. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Candido, Igor. “Il libro della Scrittura, il libro della Natura, il libro della Memoria: L’esegesi dantesca di C.S. Singleton fra tradizione giudaico–cristiana e trascendentalismo emersoniano.” MLN 122.1 (2007): 46–79.

Cantarino, Vicente. “Dante and Islam: History and Analysis of a Controversy [1965].” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 37–55.

Cardellino, Lodovico. “La gloria è ‘lo fondo de la … grazia’” (Par. 15.35–36). EBDSA, Paradiso: 28 July, 2007.

Cardullo, Bert. “Global Futurism, Divine Comedy, Greek Tragedy, and ... The Hairy Ape.” Eugene O’Neill Review 29 (2007): 7–20.

Coggeshall, Elizabeth A. “Dante, Islam, and Edward Said.” Telos 139 (2007): 133–51.

Corti, Maria. “Dante and Islamic Culture [1999].” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 57–75.

Cuzzilla, Anthony. “Time, Telos and Mysticism in the Divina Commedia.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68 (2007): 182–83.

Demaray, John G. “Galileo, John Milton, Samuel Purchas and the New Cosmology.” In Italomania(s): Italy and the English Speaking World from Chaucer to Seamus Heaney, ed. Giuseppe Galigani (Florence: Edizioni Pagliai Polistampa, 2007), 205–218.

Dieke, Ikema. “Paradoxes of Carnality and the Moral Topography of Baraka’s The System of Dante’s Hell.” CLA Journal 50.3 (2007): 263–78.

Di Pede, Robert. “The Sexual Pilgrim, Transfiguration, and the World: The Poetics of Society in the Dantean Vision of Love.” Rivista di studi italiani 22.2 (2004): 1–21.

Di Scipio, Giuseppe. “Beatrice (1265–1290).” In Encyclopedia of Sex & Gender, edited by Fedwa Malti–Douglas, 1:123–24. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007.

Di Scipio, Giuseppe. “Dante Alighieri (1265–1321).” In Encyclopedia of Sex & Gender, edited by Fedwa Malti–Douglas, 2:370–73. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007.

Dutschke, Consuelo. “Collecting Italian Manuscripts in the United States: Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Others.” Manuscripta 51.1 (2007): 1–20.

Enright, Nancy. “Dante’s Divine Comedy, Augustine’s Confessions, and the Redemption of Beauty.” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10.1 (2007): 32–56.

Flaxman, John. Flaxman’s Illustrations for Dante’s Divine Comedy. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2007.

Frank, Maria Esposito. “Dante’s Muhammad: Parallels between Islam and Arianism.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 185–206.

Franke, William. “The Ethical Vision of Dante’s Paradiso in Light of Levinas.” Comparative Literature 59.3 (2007): 209–27.

Fugelso, Karl. “Defining the State in Commedia Miniatures: Pictorial Responses to Dante’s Condemnation of Florence.” Studies in Iconography 28 (2007), 171–207.

Fyler, John M. Language and the Declining World in Chaucer, Dante, and Jean de Meun. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Martínez Gázquez, José. “Translations of the Qur’an and Other Islamic Texts before Dante (Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries).” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 79–92.

Havely, Nick R. Dante. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

Hawkins, Peter S. “Dante, St. Paul, and the Letter to the Romans.” In Medieval Readings of Romans, ed. William S. Campbell, Peter S. Hawkins, and Brenda Deen Schildgen (Edinburgh: Continuum/T&T Clark, 2007), 115–33.

Hawkins, Peter S. “Still Going Strong: Dante Now.” Christianity and Literature 56.3 (2007): 489–504.

Hawkins, Peter S. “Poema Sacro.” Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 177–201.

Hede, Jesper. Reading Dante: The Pursuit of Meaning. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2007.

Heller, Michael. “Dantean Reznikoff.” Talisman 34 (2007): 35–41.

Hollander, Robert. “Inferno 27.21: ‘Istra ten va, più non t’adizzo’: A New Hypothesis.” EBDSA: Inferno, 5 May 2007.

Hollander, Robert. “The Sibyl in Paradiso 33.66 and in De civitate Dei 18.23.” EBDSA: Paradiso, 4 October 2007.

Hustis, Harriet. “Falling for Dante: The Inferno in Albert Camus’s La Chute.” Mosaic 40.4 (2007): 1–16.

Iannucci, Amilcare. “Francesca da Rimini: The Movie.” Dante on View (q.v.), 153–62.

Jongeneel, Els. “Art and Divine Order in the Divina Commedia.” Literature and Theology 21.2 (2007): 131–43.

Kaylor, Noel Harold, Jr. “Boethius, Dante, and Teaching Aspects of Chaucer’s Tragedy.” In Approaches to Teaching Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde and the Shorter Poems, ed. Tison Pugh and Angela Jane Weisl (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2007), 43–49.

Kleinhenz, Christopher. “Perspectives on Intertextuality in Dante’s Divina Commedia.” Romance Quarterly 54.3 (2007): 183–94.

Lansing, Richard. “American Dante Bibliogrpahy for 2006.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 225–31.

Lombardi, Elena. The Syntax of Desire: Language and Love in Augustine, the Modistae, Dante. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

Maldina, Nicolò. “Api e vespe nella Commedia: Osservazioni sul bestiario dantesco.” L’Alighieri 48.1 (2007): 121–42.

Mallette, Karla. “Muhammad in Hell.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 207–224.

Marchesi, Serena. “‘Go, Say This, Pilgrim Dear!’: Strutture attoriali dantesche in ‘Rudel to the Lady of Tripoli’ di Robert Browning.” Strumenti critici 113.1 (2007): 49–66.

Marchesi, Simone. “Distilling Ovid: Dante’s Exile and Some Metamorphic Nomenclature in Hell.” In Writers Reading Writers: Intertextual Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Literature in Honor of Robert Hollander, ed. Janet Levarie Smarr (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2007), 21–39.

Matt, Andrew John. “The Poetics of Dreaming: Virgil, Ovid, and Dante.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68 (2007): 563.

Manganiello, Dominic. “Dante and Wendell Berry’s Modern Book of Memory.” In Memory and Medievalism, ed. Karl Fugelso (Cambridge, England: Brewer, 2006), 115–125.

Minear, Erin Kathleen. “Eternity and the Productions of Time: Musical Description in Shakespeare, Dante, and Milton.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68 (2007): 563.

Noakes, Susan J. “Medieval Texts and National Identities: Dante in Red, White, Green—then Black.” Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 40.1 (2007): 11–24.

Olson, Kristina Marie. “The Afterlife of Dante’s Commedia in Boccaccio’s Decameron and Esposizioni.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 67 (2006): 3813.

Pertile, Lino. “Dante, Ulisse e l’altro viaggio (Inf. 1.91).” EBDSA: Inferno, 12 June 2007.

Pertile, Lino. “Virgil Is Not Angry: A Note on Inferno 27.21.” EBDSA: Inferno, 13 December 2007.

Peterson, Thomas E. “Ovid and Parody in Dante’s Inferno.” Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 203–16.

Pollack–Pelzner, Daniel. “Reversionary Company: Keats, Homer, and Dante in the Chapman Sonnet.” Keats–Shelley Journal 56 (2007): 39–49.

Raffa, Guy P. Danteworlds: A Reader’s Guide to the Inferno. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.

Regn, Gerhard. “Double Authorship: Prophetic and Poetic Inspiration in Dante’s Paradise.” MLN 122.1 (January, 2007), 167–85.

Roglieri, Maria Ann. “‘La dolce sinfonia di Paradiso’: Can Mere Mortals Compose It?” Dante on View (q.v.), 65–80.

Rossini, Antonio. “Dante e la parodia.” Rivista di Studi Italiani 22.2 (2007): 22–46.

Schildgen, Brenda Deen. “Philosophers, Theologians, and the Islamic Legacy in Dante: Inferno 4 versus Paradiso 4.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 113–32.

Scorrano, Luigi. “Beatrice.” Quaderni d’italianistica 28.2 (2007): 5–30.

Shepard, Laurie. “Appropriating Dante: Florentine Humanist Readers and the Divine Comedy.” Forum Italicum 41.1 (2007): 240–245.

Steinberg, Justin. Accounting for Dante: Urban Readers and Writers in Late Medieval Italy. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007.

Stone, Gregory B. “Dante and the Falasifa: Religion as Imagination.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 133–56.

Tolan, John. “Mendicants and Muslims in Dante’s Florence.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 227–48.

Ziolkowski, Jan M. “Introduction to Dante and Islam.” Dante Studies 126 (2007): 1–34.



Alighieri, Dante. Paradiso. Tr. Robert Hollander and Jean Hollander. Ed. Robert Hollander. New York: Doubleday, 2007. Reviewed by:

            Eric Ormsby, New Criterion 26.3 (2007): 73–77.

Ardizzone, Maria Luisa. Guido Cavalcanti: L’altro medioevo. Fiesole: Cadmo, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Nicla Riverso, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 446–48.

Barolini, Teodolinda. Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture. New York: Fordham University Press, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Steven Botterill, Renaissance Quarterly 60 (2007): 890–91.

            Alison Cornish, Italica 84.4 (2007): 856–58.

            Thomas O’Donnell, Comitatus 38 (2007): 260–62.

Balsamo, Gian. Joyce’s Messianism: Dante, Negative Existence, and the Messianic Self. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 2004. Reviewed by:

            Barbara Cole, Journal of Modern Literature 30, No. 2 (Winter, 2007): 204–09.

Biow, Douglas. The Culture of Cleanliness in Renaissance Italy. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Sarah Whitten, Comitatus 38 (2007): 190–92.

Boccassini, Daniela. Il volo della mente: Falconeria e Sofia nel mondo mediterraneo; Islam, Federico II, Dante (Ravenna: Longo, 2003). Reviewed by:

            Julia Bolton Holloway, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 445–46.

Bruni, Francesco, and Paolo Cherchi, eds. Letteratura e impegno: Il pensiero critico di Rocco Montano. Florence: Olschki, 2003. Reviewed by:

            Eugenio Bolongaro, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 540–42.

Carrai, Stefano. Dante elegiaco: una chiave di lettura per la Vita nova. Florence: Olschki, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Ronald L. Martinez, Renaissance Quarterly 60.4 (2007): 1309–10.

Cox, Catherine S. The Judaic Other in Dante, the Gawain Poet, and Chaucer. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Lisa Lampert–Weissig, The Modern Language Review 102 (2007): 194–95.

            Andrew Rabin, Modern Philology 104.4 (2007): 566–70.

Dameron, George W. Florence and Its Church in the Age of Dante. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Peter S. Hawkins, Christianity and Literature 56.3 (2007): 489–504.

Dante and the Franciscans. Ed. Santa Casciani. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Giuseppe C. Di Scipio, Renaissance Quarterly 60 (2007): 1307–09.

Dante on View: The Reception of Dante in the Visual and Performing Arts, edited by Antonella Braida and Luisa Calè. Aldershot, Eng.: Ashgate, 2007.

Gragnolati, Manuele. Experiencing the Afterlife: Soul and Body in Dante and Medieval Culture. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Francesco Ciabattoni, MLN 122.1 (2007): 211–12.

            Warren Ginsberg, Speculum 82 (2007): 191–93.

            Peter S. Hawkins, Christianity and Literature 56.3 (2007): 489–504.

            David Ruzicka, The Modern Language Review 102 (2007): 249–51.

Gilson, Simon. Dante and Renaissance Florence. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Francesco Bruni, Modern Philology 104.3 (2007): 430–33.

            Dennis Looney, Italica 84.4 (2007): 858–59.

            Laurie Shepard, Forum Italicum 41.1 (2007): 240–45.

Hawkins, Peter. Dante: A Brief History.  Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. Reviewed by: 

            Maria Beatrice Bittarello, Literature and Theology 21, No. 1 (March  2007): 101–03.

Malato, Enrico. Per una nuova edizione commentata delle opere di Dante. Rome: Salerno, 2004. Reviewed by:

            Beatrice Arduini, Italica 84.4 (2007): 861–63.

McMahon, Robert. Understanding the Medieval Meditative Ascent: Augustine, Anselm, Boethius, and Dante. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Raymond Cormier, Speculum 82 (2007): 735–36.

Miller, James, ed. Dante & the Unorthodox: The Aesthetics of Transfiguration. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Peter S. Hawkins, Christianity and Literature 56.3 (2007): 489–504.

Mocan, Mira. La trasparenza e il riflesso: Saggio sull’ “Alta fantasia” tra Cavalcanti e Dante. Cluj–Napoca, Romania: Dacia, 2005. Reviewed by: 

            Diego Fasolini, Speculum 82, No. 3 (Jul., 2007): 739–41.

Moevs, Christian. The Metaphysics of Dante’s Comedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Warren Ginsberg, Speculum 82 (2007): 467–70.

Pastore Passaro, Maria C. Representations of Women in Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Texts. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. Reviewed by:

            Cosma Siani, Quaderni d’italianistica 28.2 (2007): 181–83.

Sbacchi, Diego. La presenza di Dionigi Areopagita nel “Paradiso” di Dante. Florence: Olschki, 2006. Reviewed by:

            Christian Moevs, Renaissance Quarterly 60.4 (2007): 1310–12.

Scott, John A. Understanding Dante. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2004. Reviewed by:

            Peter S. Hawkins, Christianity and Literature 56.3 (2007): 489–504.

Vettori, Alessandro. Poets of Divine Love: Franciscan Mystrical Poetry of the Thirteenth Century. New York: Fordham University Press, 2004. Reviewed by:

            Sara Melanie Rolfe, Quaderni d’italianistica 28.2 (2007): 187–89.

Watt, Mary Alexandra. The Cross That Dante Bears: Pilgrimage, Crusade, and the Cruciform Church in the Divine Comedy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2005. Reviewed by:

Daniela Boccassini, Forum Italicum 41.2 (2007): 523–25.

Kyle Hall, Italica 84 (2007): 859–61.

Antonio Rossini, Quaderni d’italianistica 28.2 (2007): 183–85.