Meetings and Events
The Dante Society of America regularly organizes panel sessions at various academic conferences, and holds its own annual meeting and conference.
2024 DSA Symposium: Il mondo sanza gente. Dante in the Americas. Visibility and Invisibility (Lima, Peru, July 10-12, 2024)
This year, together with Universidad del Pacífico (Lima), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, and Istitituto Italiano di Cultura-Lima, The Dante Society of America will cosponsor, for the first time ever, a symposium in South America, thanks to the vision and labors of Jorge Wiesse Rebagliati, of Universidad del Pacífico, and Donatella Stocchi-Perucchio of the University of Rochester and Honorary Professor at Universidad del Pacífico. The conference will be streamed live for those unable to make the trip to Peru, and will feature scholars from both our American continents as well as from Europe. Please see the program-in-progress on this page.
2025 DSA Symposium, April 11, 2025
The 2025 Annual Symposium will be held at New York University on April 11, 2025. Details forthcoming.
- The 140th Annual Meeting of the Dante Society of America was held online on May 7, 2022. It was followed by a program commemorating Robert Hollander and John Freccero, two influential Dantists who died during the previous year. A videorecording of the meeting and program is available on the Society's
YouTube channel.
- The 139th Annual Meeting of the Dante Society of America was held online on May 16, 2021. A videorecording is available on the Society's
YouTube channel.
- Video recordings of sessions from the 2021 Annual Symposium of the Dante Society of America, "'Tra liti si lontani': Dante for the Americas," are available as a
on the Society's
YouTube channel. The symposium was on hosted online by Harvard University in collaboration with the Society on 5-13 May 2021.
- The 137th Annual Meeting of the Dante Society of America was held at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada, on Saturday, May 4, 2019. Presentations given during the associated symposium "Plurilingualism and Visibile Parlare" are available as a
on the Society's
YouTube channel
(note: due to technical difficulties, recordings of some presentations are not available).
- The 136th Annual Meeting of the Dante Society of America was held at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, on Saturday, May 5, 2018. Presentations given during the associated symposium "'Come il baccialier': Questioning and Professing Dante" are available as a
on the Society's
YouTube channel.
- The 135th Annual Meeting of the Dante Society of America was held at the University of Oregon on Saturday, May 6, 2017. Presentations given during the associated symposium "Translation in Dante / Dante in Translation" are available as a
on the Society's
YouTube channel.
A listing of meetings and events sponsored by the Dante Society in previous years is available here.
Minutes and agenda for the Society's annual membership meetings since 2014 may be found under "About the Society."